



Don't waste your time trying to change minds that closed a long time ago.
Don't waste your time trying to change minds that closed a long time ago.
  1. Things that affect every activity you do in your life:

    • mindset
    • belief system
    • self-talk
    • ability to control your focus
    • handling your emotions

    No matter which external battles you choose to fight in life, these internal tools will either help or hinder you.


  2. 在职场,不要以为埋头苦干就可以升职,其实只会给你多一点点钱,让你干更艰苦的岗位。


  3. Every struggle you had in your life shaped you into the person you are today. BE thankful for the hard times they can only make you stronger.


  4. An evolution of modern programming language is not about raw productivity anymore. It is about safety, abstraction, clarity, style, and getting pleasure from doing your programming job.


  5. 这世间,要帮可帮之人。有些人,注定是坠入深渊的,远离就好。人世间的情与事,绝大多数不是因为血缘,也不是因为某种岁月的境遇,而在于共同的价值观。我们爱别人,本质上是因为爱自己,爱那个跟我们志趣相同的人。我们追根到底爱的是,转眼瞬间的自己投射的影子,那个能照亮我们自己的人。


  6. 那些在人间"正常"的走完所谓"完整"一生的大部分人,其实是因为得了斯德哥尔摩综合症等各种心理疾病,以及自利性扭曲等各种认知障碍。因为一个真正心理健康的人,是没有办法忍受人间和人生的。


  7. One day, someone will walk into your life and make you see why it never worked out with anyone else.


  8. A good relationship is with someone who knows all your insecurities and imperfections but still loves you for who you are.


  9. 有一本很著名的书叫做《拖延心理学》,被视作战胜拖延症的圣经。 好多人并不知道的是,两位作者,简·博克和莱诺拉·袁,因为她们的拖延,这本书出版的时间,比和出版社约定的时间整整晚了两年。


  10. 这个时代的人很累,白领加班加点,工人起早贪黑,老人出去干活,孩子周末补课,骗子电话不断,营销不分昼夜。原因是什么呢?


  11. Three questions to ask when you are deciding to do something new:

    1. What's the worst case scenario?
    2. What's the best case scenario?
    3. What's the opportunity cost?


  12. The unhappiest people in this world are the people who care the most about what everyone else thinks.


  13. 如果人们选择憎恨某件事,他们就不在乎现实。 如果人们觉得自己倒霉,就不会记得自己多走运。


  14. 在你被裁员之前,你永远不知道自己是不是刘强东的兄弟,这一定律被称为薛定谔的兄弟。


  15. 实在太荒谬了。个体应该努力 跟 996 完全两回事。前者是个体实现自我的选择;后者是制度性对个体的压榨。


  1. 喜欢这段话:



  2. Ever seen the fly that keeps trying to get out through the glass of a closed window,

    But can't see the open door next to it?

    The fly is hustling hard; it's putting everything in its power.

    Bug in the wrong direction.

    Don't lock yourself up in the room full of open doors.

